1% Win Obby Script Pastebin – Infinite Wins Farm & More

Hey guys, Welcome to the ultimate Roblox 1% Win Obby Scripts guide. If you’re looking for working free 1% Win Obby Pastebin scripts to instant win race and auto farm, then you’ve come to the right place.

On this page, we’ve provided a list of all the working Roblox 1% Win Obby Pastebin Scripts that will assist you in completing missions and unlocking unlimited rewards.

These scripts for 1% Win Obby enable you to instantly teleport your player avatar to the race’s finish point and repeatedly do so to collect infinite wins. This method lets you quickly earn wins and secure a top spot on the global leaderboards.

You’ll need an updated Roblox script executor to use these scripts safely and bypass the new Roblox Byfron anti-cheat. Inject the 1% Win Obby Script Pastebin with free executors like Fluxus, Krnl, Arceus X (for Android), Vega X, or the updated Synapse X.

Functions of 1% Win Obby Script

  • Auto Farm
  • Super Jump
  • TP to Spawn
  • Speed Walk
  • TP to Win
  • Finish Obby
  • Infinite Cash
  • Get Trail Unlocked
  • Show Correct Path
  • Free Gifts
  • Unlock Case

We have updated this page with all new working scripts for 1% Win Obby. Rest assured that all these scripts are tested and are safe to use with the Roblox account.

We provide scripts for every Roblox game! If you want more scripts and exploits, check out our Roblox 1% FINISH Script page for more cool stuff.

Look at some of the best Roblox scripts for the 1% Win Obby game.

Roblox 1% Win Obby Script Pastebin

The Roblox 1% Win Obby Script V3rmillion will provide you with the auto win and infinite cash features that you can use to unlock new cases and trails from the shop.


1% Win Obby Auto Farm Script

This script will highlight the correct glass path as green and the wrong glass as red on your screen and will automatically walk on those correct glasses to win the race.

while task.wait() do
for i, v in pairs(workspace.Bridge:GetChildren()) do
	if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter") then
		v.Color = Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
		v.Color = Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
		game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 2.5, 0)
game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = workspace.EndArea.Chest.CFrame

Jayden’s Hub Script For 1% Win Obby


1% Win Obby Auto Win & Infinite Cash


Ensure you copy the script exactly as shown in the code box. Missing lines or words during the copying process could result in errors displayed in the Roblox console.

All scripts above will work until the next game update, so use them as soon as possible and make a bookmark of this page to check for new script releases.

How to Execute Roblox 1% Win Obby Script?

To execute the script, follow these simple steps:

  1. First, Copy the script from the below button.
  2. Launch the 1% Win Obby game.
  3. Open the Roblox executor and paste the copied script.
  4. Now, Attach and execute the script.
  5. Enjoy the game.

Use the download button above to get more working Roblox scripts.

Roblox 1% Win Obby Script FAQs

Below are the answers to some basic questions related to Roblox scripts.

Is 1% Win Obby Script Safe?

The script for the 1% Win Obby has been tested and is safe. However, remember that using hands can sometimes lead to being kicked from the game or even a permanent ban.

What is 1% Win Obby Script Pastebin?

The Roblox 1% Win Obby Script is an LUA code developed by experienced coders for auto farming. You can also use these scripts to collect unlimited coins in the game.

How Frequently Are These Scripts Updated?

We update these Roblox scripts regularly whenever a new game patch or platform update occurs. Bookmark this page and check back regularly to stay informed about updates.

Best Roblox Script Executors

Below is the list of our suggested Roblox exploit executors. These are compatible with any operating system and Roblox game.

  • Synapse X
  • Fluxus
  • Vega X
  • Velyse Executor
  • Krnl Executor
  • Arceus X (Android)

That’s it and enjoy the game.

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