Mad City

loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
getgenv().Priority = "XP" -- Target Cash & XP or All (XP , Cash or All) -- also join discord --
getgenv().ReduceLag = "Yes" -- Yes or No. Script by Cesare & Jackseii

loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
getgenv().fov = 260 -- Field of View: The silent aim is only targetted at the target inside the fov's radius.
getgenv().bodypart = "Head" -- Targetting: "Head", "Torso". For example: Using "Head" will only deal headshots.
loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
getgenv() = 260 -- Field of View: The silent aim is only targetted at the target inside the fov's radius.
getgenv = "Head" -- Targetting: "Head", "Torso". For example: Using "Head" will only deal headshots.
loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()

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